Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Whirlwind weekend!


Zachary on Halloween morning at his Daycare

What a weekend! I am not sure we can top this one. Halloween was alot of fun! We went to Mike's work with the boys all dressed up for his work's halloween party. Zac attack was a shark, and JT was a cuddly polar bear. Gramma & Grampa W came and enjoyed the festivities!

Zac the shark

JT the polar bear

Zac, Mike, JT, and Gwen

Then came a night that zachary in particular, will never forget. At first, our little shark was shy. And then he realized, if he knocks on the door, says "treat" and gives a great big smile... waalaa.... candy!!!. We thought he would want to go to 3 or 4 houses in our neighboorhood, but he keep saying more and more and more- too much!!

Then, to top it off, we went to the bike store with the boys. Zac LOVED the bikes and could not get enough. Giggling and screaming his A..B..C's the whole time!!! JT was just content hanging out with mom.

Too much fun!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Janczyk Crew! Just found your blog site...

    I'm so bummed we missed Zac on Halloween night! But it's great to see that he shares a similar interest in bikes as his dad. I'm sure Mike is excited by that. :)

